February 2017

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11 kes baru rotavirus di Kedah

Kedah telah mencatatkan 11 kes terbaharu jangkitan virus Rotavirus melibatkakan kanak-kanak dan remaja, menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan 18 kes jangkitan direkodkan di hospital di negeri itu.

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Duterte warns rebels after peace talks collapse

The Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte, has warned the military is ready to respond with airstrikes and new offensives if Maoist rebels launch attacks, after both sides lifted separate ceasefires and he announced he was scrapping peace talks with the guerrillas.

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MIC akan pertahan Cameron Highland

Kerusi Parlimen Cameron Highlands adalah milik MIC dan parti berkenaan akan memastikan kerusi itu terus dipertahankan kali ini bersama Barisan Nasional (BN) pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14.

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